If you have not understood alrready how the light moves, you can do this experiment. But do that, you have to use a dark room.
Tools and materials that you need:
The steps:
- Make a hole on the piece of carton
- Put one piece of carton on the table, then turn ob the flashlight, take a look at the screen by yourself. Is there light coming out the carton?
- Pour thel talcum powder at the back of carton in the line of light's movement.
Where is the brigtest light?What kind of line do you see?Straight SunraySunray show that light moves in a straigh line. Sunray can be seen if there is dust, like the one in this old barm, of there are small drops of dew in the sky that disperse some of the light. The dispersed light goes wider also in a straight line, and some of them reach our eyes so that the beam of ray can be seen.
Explanation for you:
If you observe the above experiment, you will get a straight line of the light's trail after passing the carton's gap. This can be seen from the talcum powder that is poured around the light's trail. Now you can conclude that the light moves straight. Your coclusion is the same s the expesrts' conclusion.
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