Tool and materials that you need:
The steps:
- Put the flashlight, the flat mirror, and the carton on the table.
- Make a box from the thick carton as a tool to adjust the position of the flat mirror and the flaslight.Arrange those tools with the mirror forming an angle of 45 degrees celcius.
- Turn on the flashlight in front of the carton's hole.
Where is the direction of the movement of the flashlight's light? After touching the mirror, is the light reflected to the same direction?
Whay does that happen?
Ghost Appearance
If it seen from a certain angle, a glass can also become a mirror, this phenomenon in the past was used to create "a ghost" on stage. In fact, the gost was a person who was under the stage. A piece of leaning glass was installed to reflect the light of the ghost actor to the audience. The could see the ghost, but the glass was not visible.
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