How To Become A Brilliant Student

Becaome a briliant student is not eassy. To become a briliant student we must study hard, don'y be lazzy.If you lazyy in study, you will lost everything.
Here is, how to become a briliant student:
  1. Learn a Little Every Day
    Brilliant students learn a little every day. For long-term knowledge retention and recall, this strategy performs dramatically better than cramming. If you would like your children to learn the names and the capitals of all of the fifty states in the United States of America, which strategy do you think is better?
    Strategy A: Spend three hours today in totally focused study—180 minutes total.
    Strategy B: Spend three minutes a day for the next fifty days, distributing studying over time—150 minutes total.

Mirror Can Double Objects

Do you know that mirror can double objects unlimitedly? How can it be? To know further, why don't do the following experiment.
Tool and materials that you needs:
marbles flat mirrors
The steps:

  1. Put the cellophane tape, the marble, and two flat mirrors on the table.
  2. Put the two mirrors together using the cellophane tape, so that they form a 90 derajat. Method is like this, you can use the corner of a thick book, put the mirrors in the book corner, then put both mirrors together using the cellophane tape. Now take a look at the combination mirror. How many mirrors that you see? Look in the mirror. Without touching it. Can the mirrors also produce objects' reflection in each of the visible mirror?

Light Moves Straight

Do you know, how the light moves from one place to another, is it straight or curve? To answer that question, you need to do the following experiment.
Tools and Materials that you need:

  • a piece of carton
  • a flash light
  • a string
The steps are:
  1. Prepare the flashlight, string, and thick carton on the table
  2. Make three equal supports that shape rectangular made of thick carton, and then in the middle of the carton is made a small hole.
  3. Put one of the cartons on the table, then turn on the flashlight, take a look by yourself on the screen. Is there light coming out the carton? In what shape is the light?

Tips and Trick How to be a good parents

Everybody want to be a good parents for their childrens. But, sometime we too busy with our jobs. So the childrens was borring. Here are solution how to be egodd parents.
As you ask yourself the question: how to be a good parent, just pause a moment and look at your child. Look at them all perfect and lovely as they eat or play or watch TV. Look at how their mouth moves. Look at the colour of their skin. Look at their hair… their eyes… their hands… their body.
As you look at your child and ask yourself how to be a good parent notice their innocence. Even in their moments of rudeness and frustration remember that innocence prevails. They have just forgotten themselves for a moment, that’s all. They just forgot. All children forget. It’s not your fault as a parent, but it is your job to bring them back to love… to guide them.

How To Save Hair

Do you have a problem's with your hair? Everybody have problems with their hair. But it's different off you. 
Most people know a guy who’s losing his hair and treat him respectfully without having to force it. But on the inside, that bald guy is freaking out. His pride is tied to his hair, and when he sees those clumps on the shower floor, he immediately assumes everyone hates him. It happens to a lot of men. So what can you do about it? You can always embrace fate and rock a shaved head, but only do this if you have a reasonably round, or at least smooth, skull. No one wants to see bumps and indentations on a naked scalp, so if you have them, try a different option. Maybe a full skull tattoo. Or just a cool hat. However, if you think the battle’s not lost and is still worth fighting, we have some advice for you about some of the more popular ways to keep your mullet in place. And no, we’re not even gonna talk about toupees as an option…unless you want to host a ’70s game show.